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Why are you using GSB® (after 12 seasons of GSB® applications)?

An interview with Myron Parizek, Benton County Engineer

Gee: How many years have you been putting GSB® down? Parizek: We started the application in 2004, this would be the 13th season applying GSB® to various County roads.

Gee: About how many miles have you been doing a year? Parizek: First few years it was 5-10, then we added some segments to that and it’s been 10-15 miles on average.

Gee: Why are you using GSB® (after 12 seasons of GSB® applications)? Parizek: Back in 2000, funding wasn’t going to be able to continue to resurface everything like the County had been doing in years prior to that. When I started looking into GSB® and surface treatments, I was looking for something to help extend the life of our pavements. GSB® appears to be doing just that. Comparing road segments/asphalt pavements that have not been treated with GSB® of a similar age to those that we have treated—there is a noticeable difference—and I’m hoping we can extend the resurfacing time-frame between when we last resurface these roads until we need to again.

Gee: Would you recommend GSB® to others, like yourself, who manage infrastructure roads and highways? Parizek: I would recommend GSB®. The surface treatment GSB® offers appears to help curb the oxidation and aging of asphalt pavements. It shows that just visually getting out and looking at it—after it’s been treated—aggregates are not popping out of the pavement like you see with untreated pavements. And, it sure looks like this treatment is going to extend the life of these asphalt pavements.

Gee: Do the County Supervisors, that your answer to, like what they’ve seen (with the GSB® treatments)? Parizek: Yes, they do. They usually ask when they notice the fresh treatment and see it’s all black and think we have just done something major and new. Resurfacing-wise we explain it was a surface treatment that does penetrate down to extend pavement life—they have all been supportive of what we have been doing and I’m hoping that continues. And, it sure looks like treating the asphalt pavements with GSB® is showing its worth, and is much cheaper than having to resurface the road every 15 years.

Gee: In the beginning, did you fear push-back from the County Supervisors? Parizek: Not really. We started off with short segments in remote areas just to elevate some fears, then we have gone into some more heavily traveled roads as well as pavements that are just reaching a point where doing some maintenance treatment to the surface versus scheduling them for resurfacing has proven to be cost-effective.

Gee: What would you like to say to someone who is thinking about trying GSB®? Parizek: Look at Pavement Preservation as a needed or a wise process in your budget if possible. Just leaving roads until they fully wear-out might come too quickly for you to address the needs for resurfacing treatment costs. If you have a continuing maintenance program and can stick with it, you will be reapplying (GSB®) every 4-6 years, but it sure looks like you could potentially increase the pavement life by maybe 50-100% of what you would be expecting without any surface treatment. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us show you how to sustain your pavements AND save money with GSB-88 ® as part of a sound Asphalt Preservation Maintenance Strategy!

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