Think Pavement Preservation is a waste of money? (Our customers don’t)

Estimates from the National Center for Pavement Preservation state that for every $1 spent on Asphalt Preservation, up to $10.80 is realized in reduced replacement costs. Pavement Preservation is "a program employing a network level, long-term strategy that enhances pavement performance by using an integrated, cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life, improve safety and meet motorist expectations." -- FHWA Pavement Preservation Expert Task Group "Times have changed and we cannot afford to follow the old methodology of build it and forget it. Instead, we need to preserve our existing infrastructure investments well into the future. Projects that preserve the existing pavement are good investments from a public policy perspective." -- Larry Galehouse, Director, National Center for Pavement Preservation Let Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc. teach you what our customers already know: how to extend the life of your valuable asset and save you money!
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