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Quality Crack Sealing

Once pavement has hardened allowing moisture to enter the base and support structure of your pavement, the rate of deterioration and damage and cost to repair will accelerate significantly unless you act quickly.

Choosing quality sealant materials and installing them correctly is critical to the long-term performance of any crack seal and is best handled by experts with knowledge, skill and the right equipment to do the job right.

You can risk hiring cheaper contractors but if they are not specifically trained in crack sealing, you will have to repeat the process again sooner, wasting your valuable time and money. Here at Gee, our expertly trained technicians only install products we are 100% confident in and meet our high standards; crack sealant must bond well to crack walls, be elastic enough to stretch without tearing apart in cold temperatures, and not track when temps go up to 100 degrees or more. Crafco, W.R. Meadows, and Maxwell hot applied crack sealants meet ASTM 3405 standards and our high performance expectations. Proper Technique is Key!

Successful crack sealing requires that all cracks are properly prepared; cleaned (using oil-free compressed air) and completely dry. Only then is sealant poured into the crack, filling from the bottom up until sealant is flush with the surface – to prevent voids or bubbles that can shorten the life-cycle of the crack sealing process while also preventing most damage from traffic, plows and pedestrians. Hot applied sealants are recommended for the majority of our clients because they prove most cost-effective and last years longer. Hot pour sealants are melted down on your job site in a specialized double jacketed melter applicator. We also install single and double component cold applied crack sealants during fringe season or southern climates. Don’t risk further damage to your investment! Using skilled technicians and proper techniques is key to every successful crack sealing project. Call us today for a free consultation and cost estimate!

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