We work with wonderful clients and partner with industry leaders who have come to expect superior service and quality work from us. See what they have to say.

“Times have changed and we cannot afford to follow the old methodology of build it and forget it. Instead, we need to preserve our existing infrastructure investments well into the future. Projects that preserve the existing pavement are good investments from a public policy perspective."
Larry Galehouse, Director, National Center for Pavement Preservation
"Analysis shows GSB-88 ® yields a Savings-To-Investment Ratio (SIR) Of 5.0 and a Return On Investment (ROI) of 400%."
GSB-88 ® NAVFAC Performance Report
"Our roads are our largest assets!
It is so important to maintain those assets. It really is! If you can extend the life-cycle of a road (with GSB-88® treatments) from when it was put down to when it has to be reconstructed, the longer that period is, the better your return on your investment is…and then you can focus on other segments that you actually do need to reconstruct.
In Mesa alone, I have 2 billion dollars of asphalt roads that we have to maintain. That’s 36 million square yards of asphalt. And I try to get to about a quarter of that every year…We are always looking at reconstructing roads, those are incredibly high cost. In Arizona, we can see costs $40 a square yard to rebuild an arterial segment road. But, a treatment like GSB-88®, for 1 to 2 dollars a square yard, can buy you 5-6 years. Then you can do it again in another 5-6 years, then a slurry seal at 2 dollars and so on. That $40 can buy you a life-time of pavement preservation!"
Matt Manthey, Pavement Management Supervisor
Mesa, Arizona
"With the cost of materials going up, preventive maintenance has saved us a lot of money, given our roads a lot longer life, and they look like brand new roads, when we’re done with this maintenance that
Gee Asphalt does for us.
I wanted to do something different, rather than to chip seal in town. Everybody complained, but when we did Lafayette Rd. which is a long road, you go out and get your car washed, and as you come home you’re driving on a chip seal road, it’s dirty, dusty, like out in the country. When I took office, I wanted to find something different and I found Gee Asphalt and saw one of their projects that they had done, and after talking with the gentleman that owns it, it gave us a short window to get it repaired, get it covered, it was a no-brainer. As far as preventive maintenance on the roads, if you do not maintain your roads, in the community, you’re going to be paying to replace them. I was very impressed. The coating is not just
a quick coating, it’s a good thick cover, the crack sealing, as far as I’m concerned, is the highest quality, you just don’t feel a crack, they make sure it’s sealed all the way.
I am very impressed with what they’ve done. People went into work in the morning, they came back to a whole
new road."
Gary Vick, Mayor, Raymond Iowa
"We greatly look forward to continuing work with Gee Asphalt Inc. and would highly recommend them to any county interested in using their product.
This past summer the Berrien County Road Department contracted Gee Asphalt Inc. to treat approximately six miles of roadway with GSB-88®. The BCRD had been searching for a product like this for several years to use as an alternative to our standard sealcoat process. After this trial run with Gee Asphalt, we have determined GSB-88® is that product.
Gee Asphalt is located over 300 miles away from us, but they were incredibly efficient in communicating with our team. Their regular communication allowed making coordination on this project simple and easy to work with. The staff at Gee Asphalt was always friendly and professional, and the quality of their work was outstanding.
The Road Department has received numerous compliments from both residents and township supervisors regarding the GSB-88®, and we plan to continue using this product on future road projects."
Jon Greco, Project Engineer
Berrien County Road Department, MI
"Jon and Ross, I want to thank you two and your crew for an excellent job at ISU this year, please thank Myles, he is always great to work with. I know we are a challenging customer, we have a lot of events, issues, etc. that we need to try to satisfy and your crew is always willing to help in any way they can.
I visited with Mark Miller yesterday, he is very happy with the job this year! From my observation the coating is thicker and the coverage is much more uniform, thank you!"
Les Lawson, Iowa State University, Facilities Planning & Management, Manager, Campus Services
"Communication with you all was very good. To echo Les' comments - a well planned and executed project with attention to quality details, while dodging rain drops Thank you."
Mike Parsons, Iowa State University, Facilities Planning & Management, Campus Services
"Thank you again for your participation in the 2019 CBL Leadership Conference. Gee Asphalt is a valued partner and we appreciate your commitment to CBL and our business relationship. As we continue to transform our properties, we understand our continued success would not possible without partners like you. We are ever so grateful that you are as committed to building upon the foundation that has made us so strong and look forward to a bright future together. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to seeing you in Chattanooga this month."
Dan Wolfe, VP-Management, CBL Properties
"There are several companies that apply GSB® around the country in their own local area, but the best national company I know of is Gee Asphalt Systems…In my opinion the honesty and commitment of Gee Asphalt is second to none."
Stanley R. Saddoris, Senior V. P., Director of Operations, General Growth Properties (Retired)
Seeing is Believing! "P57 from I-80 to Earlham sealed twice in 2012 and 2017. You can see how the rain is not soaking into the GSB® segment of the asphalt."
Dallas Co.
"Dear Mr. Gee
I want to thank you and your staff for the many years of quality service you have provided Iowa State University. We sincerely appreciate your efficient, gracious customer service, and level of detail and accountability you have demonstrated on each project.
Jon Kline and Ross Edgerton stopped in yesterday to discuss scheduling this year’s parking lot maintenance. I’m looking forward to spring when I can visit with Jon and Ross again. They’re always flexible and willing to work around our ever so changing schedules.
I inquired with Ross if we would have the same crew as last year, he assured me Myles and his crew would be returning to ISU. Last summer I visited with Myles daily; he was always courteous, going above and beyond to make adjustments on the fly so everything ran as smooth as possible. I look forward to working with Myles again this summer.
You have a great bunch of people working for you. We are very appreciative of your assistance and are looking forward to continuing our work together."
Les Lawson
Iowa State University, Facilities Planning & Management
"I enjoyed working with you guys. We gave some constructive criticism and felt you guys took suggestions and advice with great professionalism and cooperation for opportunities to work together in the future. Overall we the City of Lincoln are satisfied with the work performed, and product placed. I know traffic became an issue at times but it seemed as though the crews were able to work through any problems or discrepancies that arose. Thank You."
Gaylon Masek, City of Lincoln Project Manager,
Public Works & Utilities Department
Engineering Services, Design/Construction Section
"We’re hoping to get at least 25 years out of this asphalt trail, which wouldn’t be possible if we hadn’t done any treatment on it.
Installed in 2012, we were starting to see a few cracks. I did some research, looking into Gee Asphalt. The GSB-88® asphalt preservation product looked like a really good option for us.
Franklin County Conservation takes care of 17 miles of bike trail and about 4 miles of asphalt trails. The rest is crushed lime. We are also responsible for over 22 parks totaling over 2000 acres, so we have a lot to manage with a limited budget. We try to make the most of every dollar we do have.
Most trail systems are grant-funded for the actual construction. Then, with the various grants, we have to sign a contract with a maintenance agreement. Some of them (grant-funded contracts) are 25 or 30 years.
With The Rolling Prairie Trail, we want to make sure to fulfill our end of that contract in maintaining this trail for at least 25 years. So, that’s another major reason that we decided to go ahead with the Gee Asphalt GSB-88® treatment—to save some money in the long run and avoid having to do a replacement.
We're really excited to see how it goes (GSB-88® performs)!"
Ned Parker, Director of Franklin County Conservation
"We wanted to find a proactive solution to keep our roadways looking good, riding good. GSB-88 ® is a lot cheaper than replacing and resurfacing. GSB-88 ® is a nice cheap maintenance solution to give our good roads a lot of years on them."
Chad Wurzer, Engineering Technician II, Black Hawk County
Why are you using GSB ® (after 12 seasons of GSB ® applications)?
"Back in 2000, funding wasn’t going to be able to continue to resurface everything like the County had been doing. When I started looking into GSB ® and surface treatments, I was looking for something to help extend the life of our pavements. GSB ® appears to be doing just that. Comparing road segments / asphalt pavements that have not been treated with GSB ® of a similar age to those that we have treated—there is a noticeable difference—and I’m hoping we can extend the resurfacing timeframe between when we last resurface these roads until we need to again."
Myron Parizek, Benton County Engineer
Can't say enough good things about the Gee Crew!
"Any issue or request I made was immediately addressed. The planning made all the difference in the world; a color-coded breakdown of each section with completion dates, communications with the merchants letting them know the schedule and immediately informing them of any changes...it went extremely well.
Steve McGhee, Senior General Manager,
CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.
"Another winner Dan! The Gastonia program went well from what I saw, and heard. Garry Saine from Gastonia was pleased as well. Ross said the application went well, and I noticed the cure time was less than 2 hours. I was really surprised to see how many tractor trailers went over the GSB in less than an hour with little to no tracking!! I believe Gastonia will give us some more work in the near future."
Randy Caudle, BCI Materials/ Blythe Construction Inc.
"Gee applies GSB ® to fend off the oxidation that starts immediately after the construction process and extend the life of the pavement by maintaining the flexibility of the asphalt. Pavement preservation represents a proactive approach in maintaining our existing street network. It (GSB ®) will reduce future costly, time consuming rehabilitation and reconstruction projects and associated traffic disruptions. With timely preservation we can provide the traveling public with improved safety and mobility, reduced congestion, and smoother, longer lasting pavements."
City of Bettendorf, IA
"Dan,Just wanted to let you know your guys did a great job on the parking lot."
Dale Lutz, Operations Manager,
Valley Hills Mall Rouse Properties
We proudly congratulate and recognize Eldridge Public Works Director Brian Wessel as an Outstanding Leader in Asphalt Preservation and the recipient of the ASI Green Product Usage Award. The City of Eldridge is “a hometown with a vision” and has many Green initiatives already in-place to keep up with the growing needs of residents and businesses. And, using Green-Circle Certified GSB-88® to sustain City pavements is as Green as it gets! Congratulations!
Congratulations to County Engineer Robert Fangmann P.E., and Cedar County as recipient of the ASI Green Product Usage Award. In long-term maintenance of the County’s Secondary Road System and other projects, Fangmann and Cedar County know the value/over-all cost-savings of Pavement Preservation with GSB-88®. Congratulations!
We proudly congratulate and recognize Brian Schmidt, Public Works Director and Brent Morlok, City Engineer and the City of Bettendorf, as Outstanding Leaders in Asphalt Preservation and the recipient of the ASI Green Product Usage Award.
The City of Bettendorf continues to utilize a Pro-active Asphalt Maintenance Strategy by applying GSB-88® to City projects and has been very pleased with the results; improved safety and mobility, reduced congestion, and smoother, longer lasting pavements. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Dunn County, WI as a recipient of the ASI Green Product Usage Award! Currently in the middle of a pro-active 5-Year Highway Improvement Program, Dunn County knows the value/over-all cost-savings of Pavement Preservation with GSB-88® to help curb excess spending and stretch the Budget. Thank-you for paving the way to creating sustainable county pavements!
Congratulations to Highway Commissioner Jess Sackmann and Taylor County, WI–latest recipient of the ASI Green Award! Comm. Sackmann and Taylor County know the value/over-all cost-savings of Pavement Preservation with GSB-88®. The County Board works hard to identify ways to curb excess spending; stretch the limited budget, AND in 2015 decided NOT to cut vital highway maintenance programs.
Taylor County, WI - Green ASI Award Recipient
For years the City of Des Moines has been actively seeking and implementing cost-saving Green Sustainable Strategies as part of a City Green Infrastructure Goal. GSB-88 ® applications have been proven to significantly reduce Global Warming, Ecotoxicity, Eutrophication, Smog, and Acidification—and last 2x longer than other processes.
Sara Thies, Street Maintenance Administrator, has applied GSB-88 ® to City projects and has been very pleased
with the results.
City of Des Moines, IA - Green ASI Award Recipient
Akhilesh Pal, P.E., and the City of Oskaloosa, IA has applied GSB-88 ® to City projects in the last few years and has been very pleased with the results.
City of Oskaloosa, IA - Green ASI Award Recipient
As a long-time employee of Rockwell Collins, Jud Starn knows the value of pavement preservation and GSB-88 ® products. On behalf of our distributor ASI, we are proud to congratulate Jud Starn and Rockwell Collins as the latest recipient of the ASI Green Award!
Rockwell Collins - Green ASI Award Recipient
"Dan, I wanted to make sure you were aware of the quality of your staff. I met Brad for the first time yesterday, he called me to let me know they were coming and asked where to park the equipment, so automatically we got off to a great start. He called yesterday morning and asked to meet so we went off the Google map he provided. We discussed what we thought was the scope of work. We then were asked by our engineering firm if additional work could be provided at the same cost as they were also looking at square footages provided by Advanced Asphalt for the areas we already knew about. Hutchinson Blacktop figured the Elementary, Junior High Playgrounds as well as the Central Office Lot could be done with Advanced Asphalt numbers.
Wow what a curve ball to your office, crew and yourself. I commend Brad for his professional attitude towards the curve ball pitch. He was absolutely perfect in his candor and customer relations. I also spoke to Dave and Dale in the office, true professionals as well! I can’t say enough about Gee Asphalt, their professionalism, polite and courteous staff and customer satisfaction. While talking to Brad, I got the feeling I was talking to you as I can see the awesome job of grooming your employees that you have done! They talk the talk and walk the walk! You continue to be a true pleasure to work with. Gee Asphalt has become an awesome partner in Asphalt Preservation!"
Scott Mallicoat, District Maintenance Supervisor,
Farmington Schools
“May Centers is very satisfied with GSB ® and over the years of wear and tear it has held up tremendously well. We will continue to use it on upcoming projects. We have used other products over the years but they do not compare to the quality of the GSB ® application.”
Eugene Oakey, Director of Facilities, May Centers, Inc.
GSB-88 ® : A Promising product for pothole solutions.
"If not filled, potholes could lead to bigger problems that the City is trying to avoid.
(GSB-88 ®) penetrates the asphalt and fills in all those voids...We are proactive in trying to extend the lives of our pavements. One application of GSB-88 ® can last up to 10 years and delay expensive resurfacing projects."
Jeremy Noel, Streets and Sewers Manager,
Council Bluffs, Ia
Residents are happy too.
“Makes sense to me to try something new. It’s going to be a lot less expensive than putting two more inches of asphalt on it.”
Bill Grove, Council Bluffs resident
"They got it all done, looks good. In fact it all looks so nice I almost hated to open the lots back up. Thank you and your guys for all the hard work on this all weekend."
Bob Willits, Facilities Project Manager,
Aegon USA Realty Advisors, LL
In regards to sealing the Main Office parking lot with GSB®. “Your crew was great to work with and did a fantastic job. Thanks for the help.”
Sandy Wise, Facilities Specialist, Emerson
A Road Comparison
Two roads were paved in 2017. The first road was sealed with GSB-88® within a month or so of it being paved. The second road was paved, then left unsealed. Both roads were routinely checked for decay. 2 years later, the difference is impressive. The first road sealed with GSB-88® still looks Great, while the second road, left unsealed, is showing clear signs of decay—the top coat is wearing away exposing loose aggregates. The County Engineer really likes what he is seeing in the GSB-88® sealed road—actually pointing out the differences himself.
Marion Co., Marion County Road Department
"I just wanted to express my appreciation to your staff who came and painted the markings on the parking lot as well as sealing the cracks throughout the lot. I cannot recall a time that I was met with a more polite and professional group. They were very thorough in asking questions about what needed done and very gracious in working around vehicles in the lot. These men all have a very good sense of how to work with the public and an excellent work ethic. Please relay to them my appreciation for a job well done. Thanks to you and your staff for the example you display in doing a thankless but very necessary job. When they left I felt very confident that the lot had been taken care of in a professional manner and done correctly. Thanks again Dan."
Larry Espy, Director of Facilities, Grace Community Church
"I was able to get out and look at 2 of the 5 roads that Gee Asphalt treated last week and the GSB-88 ® looks really nice."
Myron Parizek, Benton County Engineer
"The Downtown project was included in this year's fiscal budget. We will use a petroleum product - Gilsonite Resin GSB-88 ® - before the refining process. I'm excited. We will gain another 5 or 6 years on our streets by doing this."
Mitch Doht, P.E.,York, Nebraska
“We wanted to try something besides the ss1h asphalt emulsions we had used in the past to keep aggregates bound in place on the shoulders, prevent raveling, and keep newly placed asphalt in a "like new" condition. In 2002 we tried GSB-88 ®. Years later aggregates were still bound tightly in place on our shoulder project and in the new asphalt pavements that were treated...GSB-88 ® was applied to asphalt overlay projects having ADT (average daily traffic) ranging from 300 to 2600 vehicles. Our plans are to continue using GSB-88 ® for our fog seal asphalt preservation applications.”
Allen Horak, District Maintenance Superintendent,
Nebraska Department of Roads
Why should the City of Council Bluffs choose to implement a long term pavement preservation strategy which includes a highly effective process called
GSB-88®? "Of course the decision should be based on performance and a lower the cost to the public. Reducing replacement intervals and improving the quality over a longer period of time and lowering cost should be the goal.
Some other very large and important agencies have chosen GSB-88®. The reason the FAA and DoD choose GSB-88® is based on a recent pavement preservation study conducted by the United States Navy Engineering Command. This study compared 10 commonly used coatings including Reclamite, fog seals, slurry coating, micro-slurry, GSB-88® and even overlays over a 5 year period and at over 200 locations. 5 years later 2000+ cores were taken, oils extracted, properties measured and a clear winner rose to the top, GSB-88®. GSB-88® preserved the oils inside pavements better, and longer. The Navy engineers conservatively predicted the doubling of pavement life when properly utilizing GSB-88®.
Even more compelling, when costs of all were compared GSB-88® returned with the lowest life-cycle cost and highest benefit to pavements treated! In fact, GSB-88® performed 2x better than the second best process. No small feat; several times better than chips seals, fog seals and slurry coatings.
For these reasons we recommend that the City adopt
GSB-88® as the City of Des Moines, City of Davenport,
City of Bettendorf, NDOR, the FAA, DoD and many others have as the preferred method for preserving good city streets, to keep them in good condition, and lengthen the life of our streets."
As part of a board presentation to The City of Council Bluffs
“The work was professionally carried out...but I personally was impressed by the crew’s desire to work around the weather. Their (Gee Asphalt) crew arrived and set up on schedule. The weather however deteriorated...The crew worked around the weather, as in late nights if need be to try to maintain the desired schedule for our runway closure. The work was professionally carried out and the job well done...weekends are our busiest time and they did all they could do to have minimum negative impact while completing a major airport project.”
Rodney Roy, Airport Manager, Cook County Airport
"Gee Asphalt Systems was the general contractor on a seal/paint project(FAA) for our two runways at GBD. As the Airport Manager and sponsor, I found that Gee was very responsive to every single pre-construction and safety consideration on this project. This involved a high degree of coordination with the airport authority and operation. Very customer-service oriented, the application crew did an outstanding job of project application. Also, I appreciated their strict adherence to application pre-requisites such as pavement temperatures, daylight hours available, and application rates. As a result, the seal application was accomplished in minimum time, and with minimum impact on airfield safety."
Martin Miller, Airport Manager, Great Bend Municipal Airport
“We had complaints about chips flying into windshields and of chip loss from our road foremen. I applied GSB-88 ® with some question on how it would perform compared to the chip seals I had been using. GSB ® does not require an aggregate cover and is cleaner than chip seals. It also soaks down into the pavement and over time has proven to last longer. Five years after trying GSB ® we not only are pleased with it, but continue to use it. I would recommend GSB ® to those who want a simple cost-effective process that will most likely outperform what you are doing now.”
Mr. Jon Singelstadt, County Engineer, Monona County Iowa
“Gee Asphalt showed me pavements where GSB ® had been used from as little as 1 year ago, up to pavements maintained as long as 32 years, and they all looked amazing! The Gee Asphalt team answered all my questions and talked in great detail of what to expect and how GSB ® could improve the useful life of my parking lots. The workmanship of crew and Foreman were top-notch, and after the job was done you couldn't tell anyone was there besides a "new looking" parking lot. I'm very happy...and believe using Gee Asphalt was the correct decision. Thanks!”
Brent Stansbury, Facility Engineer, Gateway, Inc.
“Gee Asphalt applied GSB ® to 23,518 square yards of gateway entry and parking lots for the City. We are very pleased with the results...From the salesperson to receptionist, owner to crew, these top-notch professionals exceeded our expectations with their fast and efficient, high quality work. Knowledgeable and courteous describes their staff and crew. I would highly recommend them.”
Ms. Angie Ellison, Engineering Technician,
City of Eagan Minnesota
"You guys are fast! As you know, we finished up the Farmington Central CUSD #265 project on 7/22/14. I enjoyed working with your crew and will be recommending your services to my other clients."
W. Shane Larson, P.E., Project Manager,
Hutchison Engineering
"We want to thank you for the great job you did at Campus Baptist Church! You have even impressed some of our older men in the church. I especially appreciate the fact that you "sneaked" us into your schedule and got the job done before our special 75th Anniversary weekend. It was a huge success and we are grateful, Thank you again.”
Liz Pehl, Church Staff, Campus Baptist Church
“Gee got the job done right! We really had a good experience with the team sent to ISU this year. They were very professional and worked hard to coordinate with our schedule, stayed in touch, and kept us up to date. We are very happy with your service! Working with a company that gets the job done right the first time with little supervision is great! I look forward to working with Gee Asphalt in the future.”
Les Lawson, Iowa State University, Facilities Planning & Management Campus Services
“This letter is in response to the GSB ® seal coat we tested here at this property. As you are fully aware the test section was an area that was overlaid late in the season during the previous year. As a result it showed extreme raveling with excessive loose aggregate and a very porous surface. The subsequent test application of GSB ® has corrected this problem and has no doubt prolonged the life of this surface. It is evident the surface would have to have been replaced if not for the GSB ® application. I feel your preventive maintenance system of sealing and preserving asphalt pavement is one our industry is ready for. Thank you for your assistance in providing a solution to our problem.”
Tom McCarthy, Operations Manager, Northpark Mall
"I’m happy to provide an unconditional testimonial for two reasons: experience with GSB ® sealant performance and trust in Gee Asphalt Systems with our projects. Over 25 years ago a client asked us to evaluate GSB-78 for use on their pavements. We were impressed by the long performance history and obvious pavement benefit. A recent Corps of Engineers’ report confirmed our empirical observations. The sealant producer, Asphalt Systems, Inc., was equally impressive. The research behind the sealants and the manufacturing facilities were solid. Everyone at Gee Asphalt Systems, from the owner to office staff to field crews, are professional and act with integrity. They understand our shopping center clients and work diligently to minimize customer inconvenience."
Thomas R. Zimmer, PE, Principal, Zimmer Consultants, Ltd
"I first used GSB ® in 1984 as a test at one of General Growth's malls (Northpark Mall -Davenport, IA). We were not only impressed with the results but also with Gee Asphalt and their work crews. We have been using Gee Asphalt and GSB ® products to preserve and extend the life of our mall parking lots for more than 20 years. In my opinion, GSB ® is the only asphalt seal coating material that penetrates into the asphalt surface, binds it together and prolongs its useful life. I highly recommend Gee Asphalt and GSB ® products.”
Stanley R. Saddoris, Senior Vice President, Director of Operations, General Growth Properties (Retired)
“Thank-you for introducing us to a cost-effective and efficient product! The airport was experiencing deteriorating pavement conditions...attributing to FOD concerns for aircraft operations, in particular, the F-16’s on the airfield...a fast paced project was designed to crack seal and seal coat the taxiway until a rehabilitation project could be funded at a later date. Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc., coordinated an aggressive schedule necessary to perform the work within the 18 calendar days...the crew did an exceptional job coordinating the project to ensure safe progress while not disrupting aircraft operations. The project was very successful ending on time and on budget. All airfield users agree it is a great improvement rejuvenating a deteriorated taxiway into an almost new system.”
Shaun Germolus, Director of Operations,
Duluth International Airport
“GSB-88 ® Sealer Binder cost about 8x less than the cost of applying new asphalt. The Casino parking lot was showing signs of deterioration. We needed to improve the appearance and safety for our patrons. Replacement with new asphalt was going to be costly. We could replace it OR, preserve it by sealing the cracks and applying GSB ® to the surface in order to buy us a couple more years of service. We agreed to have Gee Asphalt Systems provide the pavement preservation services. The crew did an excellent job of crack sealing and applying a fog seal with GSB ®... we had all the pavement markings painted and we are very pleased with the appearance. I would recommend Gee Asphalt Systems...Their people were prompt and professional and a pleasure to work with.”
Matt Hawks, General Manager, White Cloud Casino
"We are a very rural community, lots grain carts, lots of heavy equipment going back and forth on our roads. They (pavements) weren't necessarily designed for the types of loads that are going over them currently. Heavy loads and weather are the two main factors in deterioration of our existing pavements.
"GSB® was one solution we looked at to try to offset some of the replacement (cost) with extending the life of some of our paved roads here in the county. So far we are very happy with the product (GSB®)."
Derek Snead, P.E., Jones County Engineer
“We field tested MeltDown liquid de-icer (magnesium chloride) along with a number of other de-icers. As a result of our testing we have chosen MeltDown as our anti-icer/de-icer product of choice. MeltDown was chosen based on its performance and friendliness compared to the other de-icers. The major performance characteristic we discovered was the low temperature melting (-10F), the speed at which it activates, the actual melting power (how much it melts before diluting), and the lack of complaints for tracking. MeltDown also proved to be friendly to our crews and we did not observe burn damage to vegetation or spalling of our concrete.
Another benefit is the budget savings we are able to achieve using MeltDown. Due to it's effectiveness we discovered we were able to use less product to achieve the same or better results than previously obtained when using other de-icers. In addition, we eliminated the process of stripping and re-waxing all of the mall floors every spring, a significant savings of $25,000 per year. This savings alone is large enough to cover the entire cost of our de-icer purchases for the entire winter season! The end result was a significant budget savings through reduced product consumption, labor and patrol costs, and anticipated reduction of "slip and fall" liability claims. We look forward the continued service and expanding the use of MeltDown this year and in the future.”
Tom Pederson, Director of Operations, The Empire Mall
“Thank you for finding us a quality liquid ice melt product! MeltDown allows us to lay down an ice barrier. This barrier greatly aids in preventing ice from bonding to paved surfaces and makes removal of packed snow and ice build-up much easier without spending most of our time chipping ice. MeltDown is the largest labor saving product to come along in a long time. Everyone in this business has to be aware of slip and falls. Keeping your walking surfaces free from snow and ice greatly reduces this risk. I cannot say enough in support of this product.”
Don Nicholson, Operations Manager, Crossroads Mall
“Previously we used calcium chloride for our frost runs. This will be our fourth season using Caliber M1000. We like the performance and the residual between applications. I continue to use Caliber because it helps me sleep at night."
Kurt Bailey County Engineer Polk County Iowa
"We tested Meltdown, a liquid magnesium chloride de-icer, distributed by Gee Asphalt. The product was applied as an anti-icer treatment to pavement surfaces prior to snowfall. Our treated pavements remained wet and slip resistant and provided us with extra time to react to the changing conditions and minimize the risk of slip and fall accidents. The application of the product is not labor intensive. We found also that as an additional benefit that accumulating ice and snow did not adhere to pavement surfaces and is easily removed with mechanical means. MeltDown liquid de-icer saved us time and money and reduced the exposure to slip and fall accidents. Liquid magnesium chloride is being tested widely in the snow belt and with very promising results."
Chuck Cadwell, Operations Manager, Eden Prairie Center
"Clinton County is Pleased with GSB-88 Application" (audio)
Todd Kinney, County Engineer, Clinton, Iowa
Past President, Iowa County Engineers Association (ICEA)