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Schools and Campuses / Non-profits / Trails

We will create and help implement a long-term pavement preservation plan for all of your pavement needs:
Reduced Down Time

Penetrates into the matrix and

minimizes closures and safety hazards.

Reduced Cost

Longer life-cycle means less reinvestment,

Won't track into buildings.

Postponed Reconstruction

Halts oxidation, weathering, 
aging making pavements last and last.

Green Circle Certified

GSB-88 ® penetrates into the pavement matrix and becomes part of the surface of asphalt, and is sensitive to our delicate environment.

Liz Pehl, Church Staff

Campus Baptist Church, Ames, IA

You guys are fast! As you know, we finished up the Farmington Central CUSD #265 project on 7/22/14. I enjoyed working with your crew and will be recommending your services to my other clients.

W. Shane Larson, P.E.,
Project Manager,

Hutchison Engineering

We want to thank you for the great job you did at Campus Baptist Church! You have even impressed some of our older men in the church. I especially appreciate the fact that you "sneaked" us into your schedule and got the job done before our special 75th Anniversary weekend. It was a huge success and we are grateful, Thank you again.


Solution:  Asphalt Preservation with Gilsonite Sealer Binder (GSB)
References and Videos

GSB-Friction Seal: Friction Positive – Restorative – Protective Seal It's what's next in asphalt preservation!

Gee Extends Pavement Life of Jack Trice Stadium--ISU.

Gee Striping.

GSB-88® Extends University of Iowa Lots.

GSB-88® Extends Stonebridge Church Lot.

Jon and Ross, I want to thank you two and your crew for an excellent job at ISU this year, please thank Myles, he is always great to work with.


I know we are a challenging customer, we have a lot of events, issues, etc. that we need to try to satisfy and your crew is always willing to help in any way they can.


I visited with Mark Miller yesterday, he is very happy with the job this year! From my observation the coating is thicker and the coverage is much more uniform, thank you!

Les Lawson

Iowa State University, Facilities Planning & Management, Manager, Campus Services

Communication with you all was very good. To echo Les' comments - a well planned and executed project with attention to quality details, while dodging rain drops Thank you.

Mike Parsons

Iowa State University, Facilities Planning & Management, Campus Services

We’re hoping to get at least 25 years out of this asphalt trail, which wouldn’t be possible if we hadn’t done any treatment on it.

Installed in 2012, we were starting to see a few cracks. I did some research, looking into Gee Asphalt. The GSB-88® asphalt preservation product looked like a really good option for us.

Franklin County Conservation takes care of 17 miles of bike trail and about 4 miles of asphalt trails. The rest is crushed lime. We are also responsible for over 22 parks totaling over 2000 acres, so we have a lot to manage with a limited budget. We try to make the most of every dollar we do have.


Most trail systems are grant-funded for the actual construction. Then, with the various grants, we have to sign a contract with a maintenance agreement. Some of them (grant-funded contracts) are 25 or 30 years.

With The Rolling Prairie Trail, we want to make sure to fulfill our end of that contract in maintaining this trail for at least 25 years. So, that’s another major reason that we decided to go ahead with the Gee Asphalt GSB-88® treatment—to save some money in the long run and avoid having to do a replacement.

We are really excited to see how it goes

(GSB-88® performs)!

Ned Parker

Director of Franklin County Conservation

Dear Mr. Gee
I want to thank you and your staff for the many years of quality service you have provided Iowa State University. We sincerely appreciate your efficient, gracious customer service, and level of detail and accountability you have demonstrated on each project.


Jon Kline and Ross Edgerton stopped in yesterday to discuss scheduling this year’s parking lot maintenance. I’m looking forward to spring when I can visit with Jon and Ross again. They’re always flexible and willing to work around our ever so changing schedules.


I inquired with Ross if we would have the same crew as last year, he assured me Myles and his crew would be returning to ISU. Last summer I visited with Myles daily; he was always courteous, going above and beyond to make adjustments on the fly so everything ran as smooth as possible. I look forward to working with Myles again this summer.


You have a great bunch of people working for you. We are very appreciative of your assistance and are looking forward to continuing our work together.

Les Lawson

Iowa State University, Facilities Planning & Management, Campus Services

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‘You can pay me now or pay me later,' says a 1970s oil-filter commercial, which advised spending on preventative auto care to avoid costly repairs later. The slogan is a good analogy for how the deferred maintenance backlog at America’s national parks has climbed to nearly $12 billion.

The mission of the National Park Service is to preserve and protect those resources that the NPS has stewardship of and preserve [them] for perpetuity (400+ sites nationwide). They should be there forever. ‘Paying now' will help achieve that mission and prevent greater costs down the road.

On average, it costs $1 million a mile to rebuild roads but far less than that to seal cracks soon after they form. ‘That’s the ‘pay me later.' The longer that you delay [in addressing a problem], the greater the deficiency becomes.

Tim Harvey

Former National Park Service (NPS) Branch Chief of Asset Management and Division Chief of Park Facility Management

I just wanted to express my appreciation to your staff who came and painted the markings on the parking lot as well as sealing the cracks throughout the lot. I cannot recall a time that I was met with a more polite and professional group. They were very thorough in asking questions about what needed done and very gracious in working around vehicles in the lot. These men all have a very good sense of how to work with the public and an excellent work ethic. Please relay to them my appreciation for a job well done. Thanks to you and your staff for the example you display in doing a thankless but very necessary job. When they left I felt very confident that the lot had been taken care of in a professional manner and done correctly. Thanks again, Dan.

Larry Espy

Director of Facilities, Grace Community Church

Dan, I wanted to make sure you were aware of the quality of your staff. I met Brad for the first time yesterday, he called me to let me know they were coming and asked where to park the equipment, so automatically we got off to a great start. He called yesterday morning and asked to meet so we went off the Google map he provided. We discussed what we thought was the scope of work. We then were asked by our engineering firm if additional work could be provided at the same cost as they were also looking at square footages provided by Advanced Asphalt for the areas we already knew about. Hutchinson Blacktop figured the Elementary, Junior High Playgrounds as well as the Central Office Lot could be done with Advanced Asphalt numbers.Wow what a curve ball to your office, crew and yourself! I commend Brad for his professional attitude towards the curve ball pitch. He was absolutely perfect in his candor and customer relations. I also spoke to Dave and Dale in the office, true professionals as well! I can’t say enough about Gee Asphalt, their professionalism, polite and courteous staff and customer satisfaction. While talking to Brad, I got the feeling I was talking to you as I can see the awesome job of grooming your employees that you have done! They talk the talk and walk the walk! You continue to be a true pleasure to work with. Gee Asphalt has become an awesome partner in Asphalt Preservation!

Scott Mallicoat

District Maintenance Supervisor, Farmington Schools

Gee got the job done right! We really had a good experience with the team sent to ISU this year. They were very professional and worked hard to coordinate with our schedule, stayed in touch, and kept us up to date. We are very happy with your service! Working with a company that gets the job done right the first time with little supervision is great! I look forward to working with Gee Asphalt in the future.

Les Lawson

Iowa State University, Facilities Planning & Management Campus Services

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© Copyright Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc.
National Headquarters

4715 6th Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

We are the ONLY GSB-88® applicator with 45+ years of business and travel to projects nationwide.

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     Fax: 319.366.5592

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