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GSB-Friction Seal:

Friction Positive – Restorative – Protective Seal

Asphalt Preservation Service

GSB-Friction Seal is a high performance pavement preservation treatment.

Proven Results in One Pass

Contact Gee today!
It’s what’s next in pavement preservation.

State of the art equipment installs a perfect cohesion of binder and aggregate in one pass. Specialty aggregate, synchronized with the anti-aging chemistry of GSB slows the molecular aging and oxidation of pavement.


GSB-Friction Seal: Street maintenance on small town budget!

GSB-Friction Seal: Friction Positive – Restorative – Protective Seal. It's what's next in asphalt preservation!

GSB-Friction Seal: Proactive Maintenance for Good Pavement.

GSB-Friction Seal is a high performance pavement preservation treatment.

GSB-Friction Seal is a high performance pavement preservation treatment.

GSB-Friction Seal, down the center

GSB-Friction Seal, Close Up

WHY PRESERVE PAVEMENT? What this expert says about GSB-88® Asphalt Preservation in Mesa, AZ.

"With the cost of materials going up, preventive maintenance has saved us a lot of money, given our roads a lot longer life, and they look like brand new roads, when we’re done with this maintenance thatGee Asphalt does for us.I wanted to do something different, rather than to chip seal in town. Everybody complained, but when we did Lafayette Rd. which is a long road, you go out and get your car washed, and as you come home you’re driving on a chip seal road, it’s dirty, dusty, like out in the country. When I took office, I wanted to find something different and I found Gee Asphalt and saw one of their projects that they had done, and after talking with the gentleman that owns it, it gave us a short window to get it repaired, get it covered, it was a no-brainer. As far as preventive maintenance on the roads, if you do not maintain your roads, in the community, you’re going to be paying to replace them. I was very impressed. The coating is not justa quick coating, it’s a good thick cover, the crack sealing, as far as I’m concerned, is the highest quality, you just don’t feel a crack, they make sure it’s sealed all the way.I am very impressed with what they’ve done. People went into work in the morning, they came back to a wholenew road."
Gary Vick, Mayor, Raymond Iowa

"Our roads are our largest assets!
t is so important to maintain those assets. It really is! If you can extend the life-cycle of a road (with GSB-88® treatments) from when it was put down to when it has to be reconstructed, the longer that period is, the better your return on your investment is…and then you can focus on other segments that you actually do need to reconstruct.

In Mesa alone, I have 2 billion dollars of asphalt roads that we have to maintain. That’s 36 million square yards of asphalt. And I try to get to about a quarter of that every year…We are always looking at reconstructing roads, those are incredibly high cost. In Arizona, we can see costs $40 a square yard to rebuild an arterial segment road. But, a treatment like GSB-88®, for 1 to 2 dollars a square yard, can buy you 5-6 years. Then you can do it again in another 5-6 years, then a slurry seal at 2 dollars and so on. That $40 can buy you a life-time of pavement preservation!"

Matt Manthey, Pavement Management Supervisor
Mesa, Arizona




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4715 6th Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

We are the ONLY GSB-88® applicator with 45+ years of business and travel to projects nationwide.

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