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Counties and DOT





“To get the most bang for the buck for taxpayers, Caltrans targets dollars where they are most effective — pavement preservation,” says Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty.


“Every $1 spent on preventive pavement maintenance saves Californians $11 that would have been spent on expensive pavement repairs.”


Source: Central Valley Business Times | Sacramento, CA | June 26th, 2014

We will create and help implement a long-term pavement preservation plan for all of your highway pavement:
Reduced Down Time

Penetrates into the matrix and

minimizes closures and safety hazards.

Reduced Cost

Longer life-cycle means less reinvestment

Pavement elasticity is preserved.

Postponed Reconstruction

Halts oxidation, weathering, 
aging making pavements last and last.

Green Circle Certified

GSB-88 ® penetrates into the pavement matrix and becomes part of the surface of asphalt, and is sensitive to our delicate environment.

We wanted to try something besides the ss1h asphalt emulsions we had used in the past to keep aggregates bound in place on the shoulders, prevent raveling, and keep newly placed asphalt in a "like new" condition. In 2002 we tried GSB-88 ®. Years later aggregates were still bound tightly in place on our shoulder project and in the new asphalt pavements that were treated...GSB-88 ® was applied to asphalt overlay projects having ADT (average daily traffic) ranging from 300 to 2600 vehicles. Our plans are to continue using GSB-88 ® for our fog seal asphalt preservation applications.

Allen Horak

District Maintenance Superintendent, Nebraska Department of Roads​


Asphalt Preservation

Watch this video discussing the unique needs of asphalt preservation for the DOT.


Solution:  Asphalt Preservation with Gilsonite Sealer Binder (GSB)
References and Videos

GSB® helps maintain $2 billion of asphalt roads in AZ.

GSB-Friction Seal Overview.


Why are you still using GSB® after 12+ seasons?

GSB-88® Makes Good DOT Pavements Last!

GSB-88 ® Chip Seal/Armour Coating.

GSB-88® Alleviates Funding Shortages!

Why does Black Hawk County rely on GSB-88® and Gee?

Gee Clients Quotes — GSB-88 ® Asphalt Preservation

GSB-88 ® Seal Coat Cures Quickly.

GSB-88 ® Sustains Highways, Interstates, County Roads with Gee.

GSB-88 ® Asphalt Applied with Traffic.

GSB-88 ® Extends Highway Shoulder Life.

GSB-88 ® Application on Shoulder.

Derek Snead, P.E., Jones County, Iowa, tells why GSB-88 ® saved the county money.

GSB-88 ® on Rural Highway with Rumble Strips.

GSB-88 ® on Rural Highway.

Listen to the audio file about how a GSB ® Pilot project started in Clinton County from Todd Kinney, County Engineer, Clinton, Iowa Past President, Iowa County Engineers Association (ICEA)

Times have changed and we cannot afford to follow the old methodology of build it and forget it. Instead, we need to preserve our existing infrastructure investments well into the future. Projects that preserve the existing pavement are good investments from a public policy perspective.

Larry Galehouse

Director, National Center for Pavement Preservation​

Why do we care about preserving our roads? Our roads are our largest asset that we have!
In Mesa alone, I have 2 billion dollars of asphalt roads that we have to maintain. That’s 36 million square yards of asphalt. And I try to get to about a quarter of that every year. Fog seals, crack seals, slurry seals, seal treatments like GSB-88®. It is so important to maintain those assets. It really is. If you can do that and you can extend the life-cycle of a road from when it was put down to when it has to be reconstructed, the longer that period is, the better your return on your investment is. We are always looking at reconstructing roads, those are incredibly high cost. Out here in Arizona, we can see costs $40 a square yard to rebuild an arterial segment road. But, a treatment like GSB-88® (this), for 1 to 2 dollars a square yard, can buy you 5-6 years. Then you can do it again in another 5-6 years, then a slurry seal at 2 dollars and so on. That $40 can buy you a life-time of pavement preservation and then you can focus on other areas that you actually do need to reconstruct.


Matt Manthey

Pavement Management Supervisor, City of Mesa, AZ

​We greatly look forward to continuing work with Gee Asphalt Inc. and would highly recommend them to any county interested in using their product.
This past summer the Berrien County Road Department contracted Gee Asphalt Inc. to treat approximately six miles of roadway with GSB-88®.

The BCRD had been searching for a product like this for several years to use as an alternative to our standard sealcoat process. After this trial run with Gee Asphalt, we have determined GSB-88® is that product.

Gee Asphalt is located over 300 miles away from us, but they were incredibly efficient in communicating with our team. Their regular communication allowed making coordination on this project simple and easy to work with. The staff at Gee Asphalt was always friendly and professional, and the quality of their work was outstanding.

The Road Department has received numerous compliments from both residents and township supervisors regarding the GSB-88®, and we plan to continue using this product on future road projects.

Jon Greco

Project Engineer, Berrien County, MI

Seeing is Believing! P57 from I-80 to Earlham sealed twice in 2012 and 2017. You can see how the rain is not soaking into the GSB® segment of the asphalt.

Dallas Co.

What is one HUGE benefit Eau Claire County has gained by adopting a Proactive Asphalt Maintenance Strategy?
As we invest, and improve, our highway systems, the funding formulas at the state level look at that. If we’re willing to invest in our systems, they’re willing to give us more aid, then we invest that in our maintenance programs. It helps slingshot us ahead quite a bit from where we were.

Jon Johnson

Highway Commissioner, Eau Claire County, WI

We wanted to find a proactive solution to keep our roadways looking good, riding good.

GSB-88 ® is a lot cheaper than replacing and resurfacing. GSB-88 ® is a nice cheap maintenance solution to give our good roads a lot of years on them.

Chad Wurzer

Engineering Technician II, Black Hawk County

Congratulations to Highway Commissioner Jess Sackmann and Taylor County, WI, latest recipient of the ASI Green Award! Commissioner Sackmann and Taylor County know the value/over-all cost-savings of Pavement Preservation with GSB-88 ®. The County Board works hard to identify ways to curb excess spending; stretch the limited budget, AND in 2015 decided NOT to cut vital highway maintenance programs.

Green ASI Award Recipient

Taylor County, WI

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Listen to the audio file addressing Funding Shortfalls from Todd Kinney, County Engineer, Clinton, Iowa

Past President, Iowa County Engineers Association (ICEA)

A Road Comparison
Two roads were paved in 2017.  The first road was sealed with GSB-88® within a month or so of it being paved. The second road was paved, then left unsealed. Both roads were routinely checked for decay. 2 years later, the difference is impressive. The first road sealed with GSB-88® still looks Great, while the second road, left unsealed, is showing clear signs of decay—the top coat is wearing away exposing loose aggregates. The County Engineer really likes what he is seeing in the GSB-88® sealed road—actually pointing out the differences himself.

Marion Co.

Marion County Road Department

​Why are you using GSB-88 ® (after 12 seasons of GSB-88 ® applications)?

Back in 2000, funding wasn’t going to be able to continue to resurface everything like the County had been doing. When I started looking into GSB-88 ® and surface treatments, I was looking for something to help extend the life of our pavements. GSB-88 ® appears to be doing just that. Comparing road segments/asphalt pavements that have not been treated with GSB-88 ® of a similar age to those that we have treated—there is a noticeable difference—and I’m hoping we can extend the resurfacing time-frame between when we last resurface these roads until we need to again.

Myron Parizek

Benton County Engineer

We are a very rural community, lots grain carts, lots of heavy equipment going back and forth on our roads. They (pavements) weren't necessarily designed for the types of loads that are going over them currently. Heavy loads and weather are the two main factors in deterioration of our existing pavements.

GSB-88 ® was one solution we looked at to try to offset some of the replacement (cost) with extending the life of some of our paved roads here in the county. So far we are very happy with the product (GSB-88 ®).


Derek Snead

P.E., Jones County Engineer

We had complaints about chips flying into windshields and of chip loss from our road foremen. I applied GSB-88 ® with some question on how it would perform compared to the chip seals I had been using. GSB-88 ® does not require an aggregate cover and is cleaner than chip seals. It also soaks down into the pavement and over time has proven to last longer. Five years after trying GSB-88 ® we not only are pleased with it, but continue to use it. I would recommend GSB-88 ® to those who want a simple cost-effective process that will most likely outperform what you are doing now.

Mr. Jon Singelstadt

County Engineer, Monona County, Iowa

I was able to get out and look at 2 of the 5 roads that Gee Asphalt treated last week and the GSB-88 ® looks really nice.

Myron Parizek

Benton County Engineer

Congratulations to Dunn County, WI as a recipient of the ASI Green Product Usage Award! Currently in the middle of a pro-active 5-Year Highway Improvement Program, Dunn County knows the value/over-all cost-savings of Pavement Preservation with GSB-88 ® to help curb excess spending and stretch the Budget. Thank-you for paving the way to creating sustainable county pavements!


Green ASI Award Recipient

Dunn County, WI

Congratulations to County Engineer Robert Fangmann P.E., and Cedar County as recipient of the ASI Green Product Usage Award. In long-term maintenance of the County’s Secondary Road System and other projects, Fangmann and Cedar County know the value/over-all cost-savings of Pavement Preservation with GSB-88 ®. Congratulations

Green ASI Award Recipient

Cedar County

Previously we used calcium chloride for our frost runs. This will be our fourth season using Caliber M1000. We like the performance and the residual between applications. I continue to use Caliber because it helps me sleep at night.

Kurt Bailey

County Engineer, Polk County, Iowa

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National Headquarters

4715 6th Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

We are the ONLY GSB-88® applicator with 45+ years of business and travel to projects nationwide.

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