A little kindness reaches far.
When someone is in need and we have the opportunity to help—without hesitation—we help. That’s just who we are—for no other reason—it’s...
Your Peers Rely on GSB-88®; Part of Successful Pavement Maintenance Strategies.
How do GSB-88® clients use Asphalt Preservation methods to meet their goal, save money and extend pavement life? Take a look at the ASI...
Neighbors, homeowners association at odds over road improvement project.
Studies show Coal Tar pitch is highly toxic to animal, plant, and human life and is banned in many states. Yet, products using Coal Tar...
Tech encourages pro-active pavement maintenance.
(excerpted from “How Pittsburgh is test driving tech to make your commute smarter.” Sept 6, 2017, Jeffrey Brown reporting) Another...
Why did Black Hawk County chose GSB-88® and Gee?
PROACTIVE PERFORMANCE COST-EFFECTIVE "We wanted to find a proactive solution to keep our roadways looking good, riding good. GSB-88®...
Lincoln, NE is pleased with GSB-88® and Gee.
Walk through the steps the City of Lincoln took to test and assess the effectiveness of GSB-88® for City projects. STEP #1: September...
NCAT Study: Crack Sealing Pre-treatment Improves Preservation Treatment Results
(excerpted info) Recently, The National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) in Auburn, AL completed a comprehensive three-year study,...
Why Pave When You Can Save?
What’s IT About? Peanut-butter vs. Butter Typical sealcoats lay up on the surface much like peanut-butter sits on top of bread. These...
Celebrating 44+ yrs in Asphalt Preservation
As we are now well into 2017, Gee is celebrating over 44 years in Asphalt Preservation! That’s 44+ yrs of advancing research, 44+ yrs of...
It’s too cold, but Gee is ready to travel to you!
When your 50+ properties are scattered across the country do you make 50+ calls to contractors from each location and...