Our roads are our largest assets!
Mesa, Arizona An interview with Matt Manthey: Pavement Management Supervisor, City of Mesa, Arizona “We’re out here today, outside of...

GSB-88® yields predictable and quantifiable results!
It's a busy road construction season, and things can become unpredictable and messy quickly. Now, adding the expense of clean-up;...

Spring Street Closure Agony!
You may hope this street is on this year’s “fix-it” list, but with dwindling budgets, other lengthy street repair and costly total...

Why did the Gee Seal Change? For the observant among you, the math doesn’t add up. We seemed to go from “In Business for 44+ Yrs” to...

Why Pave When You Can Save?
What’s IT About? Peanut-butter vs. Butter Typical sealcoats lay up on the surface much like peanut-butter sits on top of bread. These...

Celebrating 44+ yrs in Asphalt Preservation
As we are now well into 2017, Gee is celebrating over 44 years in Asphalt Preservation! That’s 44+ yrs of advancing research, 44+ yrs of...

It’s too cold, but Gee is ready to travel to you!
When your 50+ properties are scattered across the country do you make 50+ calls to contractors from each location and...

Lincoln, NE tests GSB®
Lincoln's Public Works and Utilities Department uses Gilsonite Sealer Binder (GSB-88®), applied by Gee Asphalt, on Old Cheney Road....

Why are you using GSB® (after 12 seasons of GSB® applications)?
An interview with Myron Parizek, Benton County Engineer Gee: How many years have you been putting GSB® down? Parizek: We started the...