Why should you preserve a perfectly Good Runway?
Garfield County Regional Airport (RIL): How a Pro-active Pavement Maintenance Strategy is saving this airport millions! The Need for a...

New FAA P-608 Specification Calls for Emulsified Asphalt Seal Coat
Proven on 400+ airfields and 300+ runways nationwide, GSB-88® qualifies for AIP funds! The recently published Federal Aviation...

Diverse Research Proves the Benefits of Preservation
As a family business, here at Gee, we have been conducting research on preservation products for close to 50 yrs and counting. But, as we...

Our NEW Gee Overview Video!
Asphalt Preservation with Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc Introducing a quick video all about Gee's proud history, mission, and the cost-saving...

Are You Wasting Money on Crack Sealant?
“Nearly every surface defect started as a crack that got out of control. Each phase the remedy gets more expensive than the last. We’re...

Top New Years Resolutions for Pavement Maintenance
“GSB-88® Sealer Binder cost about 8x less than the cost of applying new asphalt.” --Matt Hawks, General Manager, White Cloud Casino ...

Want to reduce maintenance costs up to 60%?
FHWA data states that $1 spent on Preservation reduces future replacement costs up to $10.80! Known fact: A road is installed with a...

Quality Crack Sealing
Once pavement has hardened allowing moisture to enter the base and support structure of your pavement, the rate of deterioration and...

Think Pavement Preservation is a waste of money? (Our customers don’t)
Learn from more of our clients. Estimates from the National Center for Pavement Preservation state that for every $1 spent on Asphalt...

Asphalt is Green
Today more than ever, concern for the environment is on the rise. We can no longer be complacent about how we use or waste our resources. ...